Heloise Lorimer School relies on a village of volunteers to enhance the educational experiences of its students. Opportunities exist for volunteers to help in multiple ways:
- in-school and off-campus field trips
- literacy and numeracy programs
- classroom support
- routine assistance in the library
- participation on School Council
- special events (school dances, welcome events, Kindergarten ceremonies etc.)
- breakfast program
Anyone wishing to volunteer at the school will need a Criminal Record/Vulnerable Sector check. The RCMP requires an application form signed by the Principal; these forms must be picked up in person at the school office. Criminal Record checks are valid for 5 years from the date of issue.
Those who have a valid Criminal Record check on file with the school are required to complete the following 2 forms annually prior to volunteering.
AF490-B Annual Declaration Criminal Record Check Volunteer
AF491-A Confidentiality Non Disclosure Undertaking Volunteers