Transportation Registration Deadline Approaching

Register before Aug. 1 to ensure service on the first day of school. Registrations received after Aug. 1 may not be processed until after Sept. 18 and will experience delays of two to three weeks before they can ride the bus.

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Grade 3


Classroom Links

Continue to check our Google Classroom for important information of what is happening in grade 3. We will also send home an update every few weeks via email. At any time, please feel free to contact me by writing a note in your child's agenda or emailing their teacher

  • Home Reading: Ask Who, What, When, How, Where & Why questions during and after reading to strengthen comprehension. To strengthen inferencing and predicting ask questions such as: Why did they do that; would you have done the same; what would have happened if; how were they feeling and why; how would the story change if it was written from a different character's point of view, in a different location, or a different time; what hints are the author's giving you; why did the author do this
  • Practice reading poetry to develop fluency
  • Journaling or Diary writing - daily writing about important, memorable, or fun things they do.
  • After reading activities: reflection, write, write a paragraph to recall what was read, write a new ending to a story, sequence a story in a paragraph, or write about a lesson learned in the story, etc.
  • Story Prompts: give your child an oral or picture prompt to write a story with a clear beginning, middle, and ending
  • Spelling City:
  • Raz Kids:
  • Mo Willems - Lunch Doodles with Mo:

  • Prodigy:
  • Math Aids:
  • Card Games:
    • Addition/subtraction speed: split the deck between players, then at the same time the players flip a card. The first one to mentally add/subtract the cards wins the cards. When one player has the whole deck of cards they win. To create a challenge, each player can flip 2 cards to create a double digit number. Then you can either use mental strategies, or a pen and paper to add or subtract.
    • Greater/Less Than Flash: Using a deck of cards, flip over a card on the count of three, and players call out if their card is greater or less than the other player. Winner keeps the cards.
  • Problem-Solving: Make up oral word problems and have the students solve them (i.e. There were 15 frogs sitting on lily pads in a pond, then 5 frogs went swimming. How many frogs were left sitting on the lily pads?) As a challenge, they can create word problems for you to solve.

Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.